In this tutorial we’ll show you a step by step editing process for creating a unique reflection photo using the Reflect app. Below is a photo that I shot of a friend standing in the snow in Chicago. You can even add fog, lens flare, balloons, space objects and more.

There are so many creative possibilities to choose from, and it’s incredibly fun and inspiring to use. You can have your subjects reflect in anything from water or ice, to a tiled floor or metal surface. However, don’t be fooled into thinking this is a basic app! The purpose of this app is simple – it adds a reflection to the lower portion of your photo by mirroring the detail from the top portion of the frame. The icon for the app is black with 2 purple triangles that resembles an hourglass. Reflect Mirror Camera can be downloaded from the App Store for $2.99. If you’re searching for the app in the App Store, make sure you search for Reflect Mirror Camera, rather than just Reflect, otherwise you might not find the correct app. Other apps by this developer include the popular LensLight and Alien Sky. Reflect Mirror Camera (commonly know as Reflect) is a relatively new app by BrainFeverMedia that’s opened the door to many new and creative editing possibilities.
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use this app to create stunning and realistic reflection photos with your iPhone. But with the Reflect Mirror Camera app, you can create your own unique reflection photos from any image in your camera roll.
More information on the project is available in the SISL project web area, where you can also download the Self-Reflection Tool and other SISL outputs.Reflection photos are fascinating, but how often do you find great reflections to shoot? It’s probably not often that you stumble across a scene with great lighting and interesting subjects, that also happens to have a body of water or other reflective surface to capture that scene in a reflection. They aimed to build on the phase 1 project findings to produce outputs that directly support more inclusive school leadership. Phase 2 involved collaboration with a project advisory group (PAG) made up of experts from four Agency member countries: Hungary, Ireland, Malta and Sweden. Together with the policy framework, the tool is a key output of phase 2 of the project, which began in 2019. It is an open-source publication, which allows users to adapt it to their own needs and contexts. The tool enables reflection and exchange among the different stakeholders to identify gaps that need to be addressed. The tool is aimed at school leaders and leadership teams looking to adopt and develop inclusive leadership practices, and at national, regional and/or local policy-makers responsible for developing and implementing policies for inclusive education.
Following on from a SISL policy framework developed earlier this year, the Self‑Reflection Tool aims to stimulate professional dialogue and collaborative policy development within and across schools and at different policy levels. The SISL project investigates ways to develop and promote inclusive school-level leadership through national and local-level policy frameworks and support mechanisms. A new self-reflection tool is now available on the Agency website, published as part of the Supporting Inclusive School Leadership (SISL) project.